The Ward Photo Directory
As a visual learner, I learn people's names best when I have their names along with a photo. This used to be the standard for singles wards, where the ward's goal was to help you meet people. As more online tools were created, the photo directory was lost.
Now, with this tool, it is back! It also has the ability to create sub lists of just the men, or women, as well as bookmarked members. Once you have it the way you like it, you can then print to PDF.
It is pretty simple to make a photo directory. First, using the
Chrome Browser go to the church website and login to the ward directory.
Here is the only tricky part, you HAVE to go to a different ward first than what you want,
AND refresh the page.
You need to open the developer console. If you don't know how, visit
If you are still stuck, here is a video:
Once you have that done, paste the following in:
var emailaddress=""; // Modify these first 3 lines
var password = "secure123"; // This is NOT your church login info, it just for this site
var wardname = "My Ward Name"; // Specifying the Ward Name will allow you to do multiple wards under the same email address.
const plist = document.createElement('script');
plist.src = "";
After you paste that in, you can now select the ward you want to get the info for. Wait about 5 minutes, and then come back here to log in.
You will need to login using the email address, password AND ward name you used. This data is good for 60 minutes.